发布时间:2023-02-17 16:23 文章来源:全国法律服务宣传教育网 作者: admin
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China Safe Food (Guangxi) Promotion Office director Nong Liangchao to Laibin City Heshan City visit investigation


【中国东盟传媒简讯】(国际高级记者 蓝乙人 蒙仕荣)2023年2月16日,中国民族贸易促进会产业融合工作委员会副主任、中国安全食品(广西)推广办公室主任农良朝一行四人分别前往广西来宾市合山市六畜兴牧业有限公司和某林场菌场参观考察。
[China ASEAN Media Brief] (International Senior Correspondent LAN Yiren Meng Shgrong) On February 16, 2023, Nong Liangchao, deputy director of the Industrial Integration Working Committee of China National Trade Promotion Association and director of China Safe Food (Guangxi) Promotion Office, and four people respectively went to Guangxi Laibin City Heshan City Liusuoxing Animal Husbandry Co., LTD and a forest farm for inspection.

I visited the production line of beef jerky under the guidance of General Manager Zuo of Heshan Liuzao Xingmuxing Co., LTD., and put forward constructive suggestions and expectations for the improvement of the production line. I listened carefully to the production process of beef jerky, and was very interested in and longing for the market of beef jerky products.


Under the guidance of Mr. Luo, I visited the planting field of a forest plant and had a systematic understanding of the production environment, planting scale, planting cycle, quality assurance, artificial cultivation, harvesting, packaging and transportation of each species, and put forward constructive suggestions and market guidance.



Thanks to the support and help of relevant chaperons, the mission and tasks of the investigation project have been successfully completed.
(编辑:蒙丹 蓝玉玲 审核:蓝添译)
( Editing by LAN Yuling, Mundan Review: Translated by LAN Tian )

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